
Friday 13 July 2012

Specified method is not supported. sharepoint 2010 (SP1)delete site

Specified method is not supported. SharePoint delete site
My SharePoint Server was working fine, I have install SharePoint 2010 SP1 on It, After that I am getting the Above error while I am deleting the site from Site Action - >  Site Settings -> Site Action -> Delete this Site. I am using Farm admin user, and ran Browser with Administrative privileges, 

This is Error come due Pre-Configure Site with Sp1, Site data Base is Create before Sp1 Installation on SharePoint server.
You can use Following PowerShell Commands to Upgrade its Configuration Database.
Get Configuration databases for all Sites.

Upgrade Site Database Providing id in Above Result. Run the Upgrade-SpcontentDatabase 
To Confirm Type Y, It will Start Upgrade process and will Show progress in Percentage.

After that Delete the Site from Site Action - >  Site Settings -> Site Action -> Delete this Site

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