
Friday 12 August 2016

SharePoint 2013 Service application and overview

SharePoint 2010 introduces new service application model, which continues in Sharepoint 2013, Service application model is very flexible,
  • Host the required service application. If you need only search just configure search service application
  • At web application level service association is also very simple, associate your required service application with web application.
  • You can create multiple instance of service application.
  • Some service applications have their own one or more databases to save the configuration and other related data. Such as User profile have profile, synchronization, and social tagging databases

1)      Business connectivity service application
Its enable to connect with external data sources, you can perform CRUD and query operation on external data. To create connection you can use Sharepoint designer and Visual studio (custom connector).

2)      Manage Meta data service application
       This service application enables you to manage taxonomy hierarchies, keywords, and social tagging features of SharePoint 2013. You can create groups, term sets and terms.

3)      Performance point service application
This services application or feature only available in enterprise version of Sharepoint , it enable the BI features , performance point designer is free tool to create dashboard , scorecards charts etc. and you can interact with Sharepoint lists, SQL server databases to create the dashboards.

4)      Search service application
             Its enables the capabilities to crawl the data based on sources you define in Sharepoint    
             search configuration and it index the data to respond the end user, search have following
             basic components Search crawler, Content processing, Index , query .
Search application contains its own databases

·         Search administration DB
·         Analytics reporting database DB
·         Crawl Store DB
·         Link DB

5)      User Profile service application
Enable to fetch user profiles of the users, you can use this data as User Profile hosting at my site, you can create audiences which helpful to filter contents, you can Host my site and each can have its own my site. Also provide the features related to social tagging and Notes.
User Profile service contains following databases

·         Profile DB
·         Synchronization DB
·         Social Tagging DB

6)      Excel service
This service enable the interaction to excel files using Browser.

7)      Visio services
              Its helps to view m interact and refreshing the Visio diagram in browser.

8)      Access services
Enable to interact with Access 2013 client or using the browser to create, view edit operations.

9)      Word automation services.
It used to view and edit the word documents in browser and also used for document conversion.

10)   App management service application
New Service application in Sharepoint 2013, Manage the Apps for SharePoint internal App Catalog and Public Sharepoint Store.

11)   Machine translation service application
New Service application in SharePoint 2013, Manage the Automatic translation for sites and contents.

12)   Work automation service application
New service application in SharePoint 2013, this service manage aggregation of Task for user at central location.

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